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The one where the universe screams at you

 Often enough, the universe whispers to us warnings, subtly as if trying not to let the people in the room with you know and then out of nowhere if you don't listen it stands in your face and screams. A lot of us never listen to the whispers, infact we ignore the whispers completely. We ignore that friend who centers men in every action until they ditch you in unsafe places for men. We ignore the whispers that tell you, you do not count in their lives as much as they do in yours until the universe forces them to pick their real ones and you don't fit the bill. 

I think we ignore warnings because humans are hard wired to want to be the exception. The one it could never happen to so we go into situations that we know don't have a positive out come just for the chance to say it didn't happen to me. To feel like you're different. Truth is, we are not that different, In fact you'd find that we are more similar than we are different. It could definitely happen to you, it's just a matter of luck.

 I guess what I'm really saying is watch out for the signs and listen to the whispers but when the screaming comes onto another person be empathetic, it may as well would have been you. 

I'm doing a lot of ranting, I just think we need to respect the places people put for us in their lives, and leave if we are not satisfied. Stop staying where there some no longer holds you safely. The past year has reminded me that the enemy to change is the feeling of permanence and literally thinking it could never be you. Thinking that things will stay the same or that it could never be you doesn't give you space to anticipate and therefore prepare yourself for what's to come or could come. 

Guard your heart and your energy, not everyone deserves you. Love where you are loved.

Everything else aside, Hi How are you


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