Planting trees

 This is probably the part where i explain why i stopped writting on here consistently.... Unfortunately today is not that day. 

You know how when you are planting crops, depending on what it is it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to see those little seedlings? And even then its sometimes about 6 months until you reap the rewards and enjoy the fruits of your labour? And trees, think about how a peach tree take even longer to reach maturity? yes now that we have that picture in mind. Think about your life, do you see where i am going with this? 

I partly believe in astrology and numerology( i can feel you roll your eyes, keep reading theres a point to this); in astrology theres 12 houses, all with house planets and all that jazz, thats not where i am. What i am getting at is that the 12th house, often signifies endings, closing of chapters e.t.c and 1st houses as you can already guess are about beginings, newness. In numerology, your personal year number is the number representing your current theme for the year and the energies afecting you. Like with the houses, the personal year 1 represents new beginnings and the 9 about endings. Now if you have read this far you're pobably thinking oh no she's officially gone off the rails..... I promise i have not, although you might need to check your opinions and biases towards other people's belief systems.

Anyway, I was for a long time, Naively so i must add, under the impression that things just happen. That your personal year 1 theme would immediately have you start living in your best life, your fullest era, and although it might be too early to make his conclusion about my year? I must say that was galaxies away from the reality. Reality is we have to plant seeds before we can enjoy the fruits.

Often, especially now more than ever quick fixes are becoming the norm, and im not against taking the easy way out, believe me. Just its not realistic for all of us, its not realistic for me. The boomers might have been right, we are a microwave generation, or live in a microwave culture. The idea of planting seeds and waiting years has become foreign to our volcabularies. It was foreign to my mind, not because ive never known that things take time, i have always known. But because as life as progressed, i have felt like maybe im not doing enough, not being enough. Not to toot my own horn here but i work hard, to the best of my abilities in most areas of my life, and what would you know?? Im still not where i wanna be. I could go on about these expectations we have for ourselves where they are rooted in but again thats not my point today. (im getting to said point)

My point is, over the last couple of weeks ive had to remind myself that personal year 1 business is not result business, its sowing time. You are probably thinking i dont believe in that numbers stuff. Fine, but the principle remains, allow yourself to plant seeds, and water those seeds, take care of the seedling, watch the trees grow and mature then enjoy the fruits of your labour. Its a long game. A horribly gruelling long game. Even as you plant your seeds remeber to plant trees you wont get the chance to sit under, or enjoy the fruits of, because sometimes thats all it is, leaving your immediate community with trees to sit under and enjoy. Whatever you believe in the concept of beginings, remains steadfast, beginings don't look like rewards, they look like the start, the work, the resilience that you need. 

So, I dont know what youll take from this. I know in the past few weeks everytime ive felt inadequate, behind, and all around running out of time, i have reminded myself that it is a planting seeds year. Watering my seed, protecting my seedlings from birds and pest. I have reminded myself to be where my feet are, and right now? my feet are firmly grouded in planting seeds in my life for a better future. And make no mistake, i am not just talking about building wealth and a career. I am also talking about working on building yourself for your future. For that love you want, for the friendships you want, for the person you want to be for your children, your friends, and for yourself. Be where your feet are, as we plant  i hope we remember to savour to savour the feeling of the soft soil on our hands, the smell of the soil after you water, and the excitement you feel as those seedling crack throgh the ground. Be where your feet are

Now, if youve read this far, Thank you. Maybe ill be back soon


  1. This is such a beautiful reminder and it overall makes me less anxious about the future. 🫶🏾


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