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And then baby turns one

 Hi, first of all I wanna say thank you. my baby (read blog) is a year old. you guys have seen me grow, read my hurt, my epiphanies and somehow still stuck by it. Really there a no words to describe how important your support has been for me. I hope this journey has been as healing for you as it has been for me. when I made this blog, I thought I’d talk about feminism, politics, and all these "controversial" topics but it never felt right. instead, here I am soul bare for strangers to read about. I am thankful for the support.

In this one year I’ve loved, lost, grieved, found happiness, and lost it again, still kind of trying to find it. It has been amazing watching what writing can do for my soul, how sharing a bit of me has become one of thee most rewarding experiences I have ever had the pleasure being a part of. Thank you for allowing me to share with you. Thank you for being an audience of a lifetime.

I don’t have big plans for this, only that it keeps growing, reaching more people, and becoming a larger than life community filled with empathy, self-awareness, and love. I know this feels like some kumbaya nonsense but I think we deserve it. We deserve a space that’s soft, a space that’s just not as harsh as the real world.

I am beyond grateful. Thankful beyond measure.

Happy birthday to my baby, or happy anniversary. WE ARE ONE EVERYYYBODYYYYYYYYYY.

Love, me


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