Here goes absolutely nothing, an awakward intro


This is very awkward for me; I feel like I am talking to myself and I probably am but that’s beside the point. By now you can tell just from the first line that I am bad at this, not seriously don’t expect much. expect me to try and be honest though, to take feedback, to take advice and improve. Most importantly expect the unexpectedπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I’m just playing around; I am very predictable. I mean that’s what you get for being the mother of the group (My friends might disagree, but that’s their business).

If you happen to read this and think wow, she doesn’t get to the point.... I hardly ever do. there is not much of a point to this particular post anyway, I’m literally sitting in the kitchen having just created this blog and also very anxious about how it will be received, or if I say something politically wrong then get cancelledπŸ™„πŸ€£ I am not sure if you get cancelled even if you aren’t famous but let me know in the comments. 

Initially the point was to introduce myself, what I do, who I am, the things I like etc but that idea has since been trashed because I figured you would learn along the way and also get people who already know me to read the whole post. fear not though, I will get to it, I will unravel myself, it might be a bit scary but I will do it regardless. maybe in the coming weeks or maybe not ever (Insert evil laugh) you never really know. 

Okay, back to the basics. I just really want to say thank you that you read this far, and hopefully you read more. some posts will make you laugh, some will make you cry, some will have you questioning my sanity but it’s worth it I promise. see I am the furthest thing from perfection and I’m not really that interesting but I want to change perspectives, have discussions, and create healthy environments to be ourselves. I want to touch lives. basically, I am a superhero okay?? I’m not from this worldπŸ˜‚πŸ¦Έ. 

Again, from the bottom of my heart thank you, I really hope this blog can grow and be something I am proud of that everybody else can be proud of too.

Till the next one, love and lightπŸ’“


  1. Looking forward to reading more of you

  2. Hey awkward person. First I think it's amazing you even started, that is bravery for me especially in this "cancel culture " * Rolls eyes*

    Looking forward to getting to know. ❤

  3. It's adorably awkward, which makes it that much uniqueπŸ˜‚

    It should be fun to read.

  4. Been waiting for you to do this , honestly happy you have
    Weirdly amazing πŸ˜‚

  5. I am soo excited for this one πŸ˜‚❤️❤️❤️

  6. The intro is inspiring
    That's how good you are❤️

    Lemme go catch up on others

  7. Finally❤️you might not know, but I'm so excited and looking forward to getting know and read more πŸ€—❤️

  8. Really, awkward but straight to the point even though in an inverted way.πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯


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