In saying Good bye
Don't kill me just yet, I know it's been a minute. There's been a lot going on between school, life, family, friends, feeling etc. Its just been a lot and I needed the time. As I type this, I'm halfway through packing up my things at res and I sorta gave up half way through, I'm not sure how and when I got this much stuff but now the challenge is how I'm gonna get it to fit in my dad's car. He tells me all the time that my things seem to keep increasing, only this time when he tells me he'll be picking up from res for the last time. I'm leaving never to return to NUL. All the times I had imagined leaving this place, I imagined I'd be emotional, inconsolable even. I kept having conversations about how it was gonna be a lot to say good bye to 4years of my life. I remember one conversations where I said, I don't think I want my dad to talk to me after he picks me up cause I might break down. Another where I was telling the other person that I h...