Character development
I’ve been so wrapped up in my own emotions or pretty much so wrapped up in my efforts to stop feeling that I pretty much shut everything off for the last month or so. I know I’m doing it again because I haven’t been able to write anything on here and I don’t even know if this will be the first to make it out of the drafts. You know how in books or movie they'll throw in a crazy plot twist or a tragedy or a betrayal just so that the main character can learn something, become someone, and have their moment? or that point in the bad guy's life where they decide that the course, they are taking is villainhood?? I think they call it a villain arc?? whatever you may wanna call it I’m just simply going through it. I keep saying, that my life is a low budget horror film, and I’m the main character in this franchise surviving every single time. and in any other case I’d be happy to "overcome" but what doesn’t kill you leaves you with trauma and in turn therapists bills (an...