
Showing posts from July, 2021

This took guts I didn't know I had

Imagine this, you are sitting in a restaurant with your mother, the waiter brings back the wrong order, your mom notices and she tells you to tell the waiter that that’s not what you ordered, you tell her its fine, that you think you should try new things instead but she still insists.  she calls for your waitress. Your heart starts pounding, your hands start getting sweaty, your hands start to tremble. You stutter as you try to explain why you would rather settle for the food In front of you. You excuse yourself to the bathroom, living your mother to handle the food issue. Or better yet, you go out with your friends. Celebrate your youth you know. Then mid-sentence, in the middle of your favourite song, the room starts spinning. The temperature starts rising. you’re sweating now and between the bodies rubbing against each other in dance and the alcohol in your hands you don’t know which one is causing this sudden heat. You run outside, no words said. just clenching teeth an...

Love Lingos

  Well, it’s been hectic. It sorta feels like I am in a bad movie with a low budget and even worse food on set. Long story short June was longggggggggggg (I could make that word longer but you get the point it was really long). Weird isn’t it, how 30 days can feel so dragged out. Anyway, I think I am okay. Life has definitely been doing the life things and I haven’t wrapped my head around it yet. Adulting looks so much easier from the benches. Let’s leave June. And get into love, more specifically love languages. And no, we aren’t talking about French. Although the best way to get to my heart is through French and a trip to Paris. For most of us we know what love languages are, we know that they are the way we give and receive love, we know that there are five love languages, namely, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and receiving gifts. What we normally never really give a lot of thought to is how they affect our relationships with others. Ea...