March Photo Dump
I was curating the month's photo dump for twitter and my Instagram account when it hit me, I'VE HAD ONE HELL OF A MONTH. I don't think I had taken the time to look through my pictures until today, or let me put it like this, I had pushed the struggles of the month so far in my subconscious that I hadn't truly realized how intense it has been. At the beginning of March I found myself in hospital. I got sick, which isn't too out of the ordinary for me but I had never been sick to that extent. I spent a straight week in the hospital after spending another week in and out of the hospital. The experience was just as you'd think, but I had made a friend in the ward and it made the experience a little better. In her late 60's my roomie was the life of the party, you could tell she'd lived a full life and continues to want to live to her fullest. A little old fashioned but yiu know nothing not to be expected. Her insight into life was my favorite thing, she h...